VLOG: produce run & banana ice cream

here's a super late VLOG! or whatever! few things to note before viewing:

  • this was like my 4th attempt recording the banana ice cream process.... and i still failed #sodone
  • i went from morning bootcamp straight to a Women's Health Symposium (Pink Goes Red), then came home to record immediately while i still had daylight; please excuse and forgive the rachetness that is my hair
  • i really am cock and crossed eyed sometimes
  • that's cool
  • avocado hair mask recipe: 1 ripe avocado, 2 tbsp olive oil, 2 tbsp honey. mix; slather all over hair, cover, sit under dry for 15 min. rinse.
  • ordering an external microphone ASAP. i know/hear what i'm saying...but you prolly don't. lol
  • this was fun
  • enjoy

 [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-qIBIBac5w&w=560&h=315]

suggestions? feedback? comment BELOW!
