breaky and biceps

i had a hot date with Sonny last night.  *whistles* Chiso came too though.  and it was only hot cause we were sweating at the gym.

i have a few of my leg workouts already posted, but it's high time for some upper body.  symmetry is a great thing!

what happens when we gym together? instant camera man, whoop, whoop.


so because i work at different gyms, i come across all sorts of different equipment, which is a great perk.  this particular gym uses Hoist machines- have you used them?? i LOOOOOVE them! especially this bicep machine.  i really feel the burn where i'm supposed to because the rocking motion mimics the natural movement of a standing bicep curl without involving my lower back. sweet.

that 'dynamically rocking technology' (the rocking motion that occurs during use):

  • aligns and maintains joint position throughout the motion
  • reduces shear-stress forces within joints by creating multiple segment movement
  • provides small, yet appropriate proprioceptive challenges to the lumbopelvic hip complex (in layman's terms, that big hip joint)
  • improves stability and provides greater muscle pre-stretch or loading to overload muscles

uh huh, yeah. all that.


biceps, triceps, & shoulder circuit:

Hoist machine bicep curls 12 R, 12 L, 12 together - 4 x 12

tricep dips with 25 lb lap plate - 4 x 12


dumbbell hammer curls 3 x 12

EZ bar skull crushers 3 x 12

dumbbell curls out to side 3 x 12


machine shoulder raises 4 x 12

shoulder shrugs 4 x 12


forward dumbbell raises 3 x 12

T (make a T with your arms/body, palms facing you) 3 x 12

Stability ball overhead presses 2 X 25

aaaaaaand collapse!! right there. on the floor :lol:


use a challenging weight.  'heavy' is a relative term! what is heavy for YOU?  once you really start to struggle and feel the burn around rep 8-10, that equates to heavy to me.


build those upper bodies...racerback season is upon us.


we tried out the Sara Lee 45 calories & delightful whole wheat w/ honey bread last night for our post workout snacks.  that's egg whites, red bell pepper, and honey mustard up in my sammie. great stats, and great bread.

45 cals, 0.5g fat, 9 carbs, and 3g protein per slice. nice.


before i hit legs this morning, i made some dark chocolate chip banana pancakes to go with our eggs.  i used the base of my banana recipe but added a tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder, 1 packet of stevia granules, and even a few drops of chocolate stevia.  all drowned in WF pancake syrup....the only way to eat these babies.

Q: what's your favorite sammich bread?
