thutty six #April7th

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i remember turning 15 and telling my mom, "in 15 more years, i'll be 30!"  welp.


i'm here and then some, baby.  i can finally say i feel like a..... *gulp* real adult. i mean we do have 3 kids now for crying out loud. it's about time. 

speaking of those rug rats, they helped me bring in 36 like they do almost every day-- all up on me!!! no complaints.  i can't get enough of them.  they all fell asleep one by one right next to me as i blogged in bed on my birthday eve.  Sonny walked in our room around 10pm like, "really!?".  


 at least they let me sleep in.  i skipped my normal saturday morning workout completely and finally got up after Chiso spilled the beans about going to brunch.  #WillGetUpForFood 

to God be the glory.  i felt so loved.


so rested.

so grateful. (close your eyes, kids!)

so ready to take on year 36 on by storm.  oh, and these comfy, coral sheets are by Mellanni! they were super soft and smelled so fresh and clean before someone took a tinkle on them #sigh.

Chiso is so lanky, lol!

worth the entire wait! YUM. we actually dined at Jupiter Pizza & Waffle Co. 3 years ago for my birthday lunch when Dego was just 10 months old. cray.  Sonny planned on sitting outside to brunch while the kids ran and played in the Sugar Land town center courtyard but HELLO winter weather out of absolutely nowhere!  we received a random, gigantic 24 hour gust of cold wind and rain down here all April 7th long.  things are back to 'normal' outside today like nothin' ever happened.  thanks, Houston. 


i have been doing my own manicures since high school. i got those old school acrylic nails (or is that still popular?! beats me) for my high school prom for the first and last time, ha. yeah, i tried setting a volleyball with those things on and broke one, saw blood, and said never again. every time i see an IG pic of cool nails i want to get some though!  i feel so put together when my fingers and toes match but we all know the real deal, haha! Sonny insisted i get a mani with my pedi (and threatened not to come back and pick me up or pay if i didn't) so i did...and the hand and shoulder massage alone was SO worth it.  i smudged a few fingers within minutes.  this life is just not for me apparently.


handwritten and homemade cards..are z best. <3


the yummy mini vanilla cake the boys picked out for me while I was at the salon.

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aren't these FIYAH?! thank you Hubs!!!! everythang.  so many color combos to chose from but i decided to go with basic black/white. which one is your fave?

my people. 

i consider myself somewhat of a gamer, even though i don't play anywhere nearly as often as i used to growing up.  playing wii with my kids reminds me that life is no video game.  we don't get more extra (lives) tries.  no redos.  just this one life to live.  like y'all, this is IT.  

have you done that thing(s)?

written that book?

filmed that youtube video?

forgiven that person?

asked for that raise?

put together that proposal?

made that presentation?

started that blog?

jumped outta that plane (parachute intact of course)?

take full advantage of the time you've been given.  for too long i would pray, pray, pray...  and wait.  that's not how it works, friends.  you've got to put some action behind those prayers for them to be effective. you've got to move your feet and give God something to work with.  do you truly trust Him with your entire life?  then why all that hesitation?  put Him to the test and be prepared to encourage someone else with your testimony cause He always comes through!  even though i sound like a broken record in my own head, i hope someone reads this, wakes up, snaps out of it, and realizes that God is waiting on you...not the other way around.

thank you sincerely for the birthday wishes and for reading!!!! 

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